Friday, June 17, 2011

A Road Block on the Information Superhighway

Ok, before I start, I know I'm showing my age by using the term "Information Superhighway." Honestly, who says that anymore?

But at the same time, I couldn't think of a better way to use the term "Road Block" in relation to what I'm going to be talking about.

So, I'm not sure what exactly happened, but my computer caught a nasty virus. I'm currently looking for a Macbook (not Pro, not Air, just a Macbook) to go back online and to make video editing a lot easier and better. Until then, my blog post frequency will be much slower unfortunately.

I'm posting from the library right now, but I hope the next time I post home, it'll be from an Apple computer.

This is pretty close to what my PC is going through.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Behind the Scenes of Captain Asian America

My first vlog! This covers:
-when we shot the film
-Walnut Da Lyrical Geni, who made a cameo in the film
-Alberto DeJesus, the man with the fancy camera equipment
-the One Night Stand retrospective
-footage of the FOB Asian scene and prepping the shot for Yellow Numbskull (both of which were shot in the same place)

First VLog

Captain Asian America

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day from Guns and Roses
Much love goes out to L-bomb for sending me this picture! The turtles are Guns and Roses, representing the Man Lab from Boston University. They like to do it anytime, anyplace. They don't care who's around.